Return & Refund Policy

Change Of Mind Is Not Applicable For Any Item.

The product that is imported from china / Replica have only 24 hours check warranty after that no claim will be accepted.

If you receive an item in damaged/ broken, expired condition, faulty or any product that does not match its description We are responsible for this, you can return it within 24 hours for replacement / exchange. After 24 hours we are not responsible for any claim.


Refund Method and timing:

With a few exceptions, we will reimburse you for returned items in the same way YOU PAID FOR THEM. If you prefer, you can make an exchange for the same item. For returns, you are responsible to ship us faulty unit with complete packaging and accessories at our customer care center. Once we receive your return, we will process it within 3–5 business days after inspecting condition and fault of product. We will refund you original purchase price (excluding delivery charges). Depending on your bank’s processing time, it may take up to 7 days after we process the return to reflect on your account. For returning a product shipping charges is paid by the customer. You can ship it to us using any courier service.


Returns info:

  • Contents and packaging of product should remain intact.
  • Items need to be returned in a like-new condition. Items that are damaged, unsanitary, dented or scratched may be denied a return.
  • Please return items with all accessories and packaging. If you do not, we may either deny the return.
  • Reimbursements on returns lacking proof of purchase may be denied or limited.
  • Please read product descriptions carefully before deciding to buy the product. Return or exchange of product is not applicable if product has no issues 


For complain, contact us through the official phone number +92 304 196 196 6If you failed to contact us through phone number then must drop an email to us within time limit. For complain you have to mention your order number and proper reason for returning the product.